24 April 2020
The Government’s announcement yesterday of further emergency support for commercial tenants in the form of a temporary ban on the use of statutory demands and CRAR was on the cards given that landlords have been resorting to these methods following last month’s ban on forfeiture.
24 April 2020
As we all digest the Government’s announcement that the Covid-19 restrictions will continue for at least a further three weeks, developers, contractors and pre-let occupiers remain in the position of grappling with the tension between legal obligations set out in the agreements they have entered into with each other and the practical implications of lockdown.
20 April 2020
Regulators and governments in the UK and a number of European jurisdictions have implemented a broad range of support measures for both businesses and individuals affected by the payment difficulties and liquidity shortages as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
18 March 2020
A development site may be a single plot, owned by a single owner, comprised in a single legal title. Most developers will know from bitter experience, however, that this is seldom the case. Sites are more often a patchwork of land interests, which the developer must stitch together.
7 January 2020
The election result should clear the main obstacle that stalled the UK office market in 2019 and lead to a serious uptick in investment transactions, says Simon Price, Real Estate Partner at Linklaters.