March 2023
On 14 September 2022, in her State of the Union, Ursula Von der Leyen announced the revision of Directive 2011/7 combating late payments in commercial transactions (the “Directive” or the “late payment Directive”). The purpose of the European Commission’s President was to reinforce the Directive's protection mechanism for creditors and to promote a decisive shift to a culture of prompt payment. The second revision of the Directive is now under way, as a Call for evidence was launched by the European Commission on 12 January 2023 and will end in March 2023.
May 2022
The Belgian legislator seems to have made some serious resolutions for 2022. After a first go in March at modernising Belgian consumer protection laws (see our revious alert), yesterday Belgium adopted an act amending Books I, VI and XV of the Code of Economic Law (the “Belgian Act”), implementing Directive (EU) 2019/2161 of 27 November 2019 as regards the better enforcement and modernisation of Union consumer protection rules (the “Omnibus Directive”).
April 2022
The Belgian Parliament has quietly adopted new legislation likely to turn business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain sector upside down. With a few weeks’ delay, the Directive 2019/633 on unfair trading practices in business-tobusiness relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain has been transposed in Belgium through the Act of 28 November 2021 (the “Act”), which entered into force on 25 December 2021 (FR/NL). The farreaching nature of the Act calls for much commentary, not only on the new regime it creates (Sections 1 to 4) but also on its interactions with other legislation, such as the Act of 2 August 2002 on combating late payment in commercial transactions (the "Act of
2002"), or the Act of 4 April 2019 amending the Code of Economic Law with regard to abuse of economic dependence, unfair terms and unfair trading practices between undertakings (the "B2B Act") (Section 5).
December 2021
The Belgian legislator took advantage of the summer of 2021 to quietly adopt legislation likely to have a noticeable impact on undertakings’ cash flow, namely the Act of 14 August 2021 (FR/NL) amending the Act of 2 August 2002 on combating late payments in commercial transactions (the “Act of 2002”). These modifications to the Act of 2002, which notably restrict parties’ freedom as regards contractual payment terms, will enter into force on 1 February 2022. It is now time for the undertakings concerned to anticipate what it may mean for them.
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Following European trends, the Belgian legislator has in 2019 recognised the existence of significant imbalances in bargaining powers likely to lead to unfair trading practices between undertakings and the need to prohibit them or to frame their consequences.
The Law of 4 April 2019 targets and prohibits among others unfair clauses (Articles VI.91/2 and ff. CEL ) and unfair (aggressive and misleading) trading practices (Articles VI.104/1 and ff. CEL).
In this guide, we summarise the key elements of the B2B protection regime fighting unfair clauses. We also outline key action points.
The B2B protection regime applies regardless of the size of the undertakings involved (small to larger) and regardless of the nature and the object of the commercial relations at stake (with a few exceptions).
Two exemptions have been included in the scope (Article VI.91/1, §§ 1-2 CEL): the first relates to financial services and the second refers to public procurement and contracts directly or indirectly deriving from the public procurement in question.
The short answer is no, considering the legal nature of the B2B protection regime as “politiewet”/“loi de police”.
However, according to the legislator’s point of view, the B2B protection regime operates as a general regime (lex generalis), giving way to a certain extent if a lex specialis exists.
Four provisions shape the concept of unfair clauses.
First, Article VI.91/2 CEL enshrines a general transparency requirement applicable to all contractual terms (be it essential or not). Contractual terms need to be drafted in plain and intelligible language.
Secondly, according to Article VI.91/3 CEL, a clause is unfair or abusive if it creates a significant imbalance between the rights and obligations of the parties. It must be noted that Article VI.91/3 CEL only targets clauses / contractual terms that are not essential, i.e. not relating to the definition of the main subject matter of the contract nor to the adequacy of the price or remuneration against the services or goods supplied in exchange.
Thirdly, Article VI.91/4 CEL contains a black list of clauses / contractual terms regarded as always unfair.
Fourthly, Article VI.91/5 CEL contains a grey list of clauses / contractual terms presumed to be unfair.
The above rules are to be combined in a certain logical order : first, check the black and the grey lists provisions, and secondly – as the case may be – apply the unfairness test which can in turn be triggered by a non-compliance with the transparency requirement.
According to article VI.91/6 CEL, the unfair clause / contractual term is prohibited and void. The avoided clause / contractual term is retrospectively invalid as from the beginning. The contract may remain binding for the parties if it can exist without the avoided unfair clause / contractual term.
The black list includes four contractual clauses which are in any case regarded as unfair or abusive:
The grey list targets eight clauses deemed unfair, but for which the proof of the contrary can be adduced.The B2B protection regime applies to contracts concluded after 1 December 2020 as well as to previously concluded contracts being renewed or amended after 1 December 2020.
When assessing your contract, run through this check-list:
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Following European trends, the Belgian legislator has in 2019 recognised the existence of significant imbalances in bargaining powers, likely to lead to unfair trading practices between undertakings and the need to prohibit them or to frame their consequences.
With the aim of providing businesses with more effective tools to combat unfair trading practices, the Law of 4 April 2019 revised the few existing provisions and significantly extended their scope (Articles VI.103/1 and ff. CEL) .
In this guide, we summarise the key elements of the B2B protection regime fighting unfair trading practices.
Following European trends, the Belgian legislator has in 2019 recognised the existence of significant imbalances in bargaining powers, likely to lead to unfair trading practices between undertakings and the need to prohibit them or to frame their consequences.
With the aim of providing businesses with more effective tools to combat unfair trading practices, the Law of 4 April 2019 revised the few existing provisions and significantly extended their scope (Articles VI.103/1 and ff. CEL) .
In this guide, we summarise the key elements of the B2B protection regime fighting unfair trading practices.
A general prohibition combined with specific prohibited trading practices
Next to the pre-existing and general provision prohibiting any act contrary to honest trading practices (Article VI.104 CEL) , the new provisions target specific unfair practices, namely:
that cause or are likely to cause the other business to take a transactional decision that it would not have taken otherwise (Article VI.103/1), and
Operation since 1 September 2019 , apply to:
The notion of trading practice is not legally defined but is attributed a broad meaning.
It includes any act, omission, course of conduct or representation, commercial communication (including advertising and marketing) from a business linked to a commercial transaction (e.g. promotion, sale or purchase, order or supply) with another business and involving a product.
The concept of product relates to any goods or services, including immovable property, rights and obligations.
The trading practice takes place before, during and/or after the commercial transaction.
Finally, the trading practice may be carried out by any of the contracting parties, regardless of their capacity (seller or purchaser).
The transactional decision taken by a business that would have been different in the absence of the unfair trading practice is legally defined by Article VI.103 CEL.
It encapsulates any decision taken by a business, whether to:
causing the business either to act or to refrain from acting.
In other words, given the broad meaning attributed to the transactional decision, it is not required that the business (the victim of the unfair trading practice) had concluded a contract or had made the envisaged purchase.
What are the sanctions?
Misleading and aggressive trading practices are sanctioned through:
The prohibitions on unfair trading practices have been aligned with those already granted in the B2C context, thereby giving effective and far-reaching tools to businesses to combat unfair trading practices.
By way of examples:
A misleading trading practice can consist of either active deception or misleading omission in relation to information that allows a business to take an informed transactional decision.
Active deception: false or potentially deceiving information (Article VI.105 CEL)
The misleading practice contains false information and is therefore untruthful or, in any way, including overall presentation, deceives or is likely to deceive a business, even if the information is factually correct, in relation to one or more of the ten following elements:
Misleading omission: where the information provided is not enough (Article VI.105/1 CEL)
A trading practice is misleading if, in its factual context, taking into account of all its features and circumstances and the limitations of the communication medium, it omits material information that the other business needs to take an informed transactional decision and thereby causes or is likely to cause the other business to take a transactional decision that it would not have taken otherwise.
A business hiding or providing in an unclear, unintelligible, ambiguous or untimely manner such material information or failing to identify its commercial intent, if not already apparent from the context, thereby causing or being likely to cause the other business to take a transactional decision that it would not have taken otherwise, also commits a misleading trading practice.
A trading practice shall be regarded as aggressive if, in its factual context, taking account of all its features and circumstances, by harassment, coercion, including the use of physical force, or undue influence, it significantly impairs or is likely to significantly impair the business’ freedom of choice or conduct with regard to the product and thereby causes it or is likely to cause it to take a transactional decision that it would not have taken otherwise.
The concept of undue influence is legally defined as exploiting a position of power in relation to another business so as to apply pressure, even without using or threatening to use physical force, in a way which significantly limits the business’ ability to make an informed decision.
The recourse to harassment, coercion and undue influence is further illustrated under Article VI.109/2 by taking into account six elements:
The B2B protection regime against unfair trading practices equips businesses with efficient and powerful tools to combat unfair trading practices but is also an open door to strategic judicial tactics in the hands of fierce competitors.
It compels any business to revisit carefully the way they approach their business counterparts on a daily basis and to review the information they pass on with a view to making or executing a commercial transaction.
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